The Bowl Show

This page is a brief introduction to ‘The Bowl Show’ (TBS), a complete system and creative revenue stream I designed amd manufactured though BMobile. With this system, clay enthusiasts spreads the joy of raku pottery with interested people and clay artists everywhere. For more in-depth information on all TBS events and systems have to offer, follow this link to official website of

…but for a quick overview keep reading below.

Cheers, Brian

One of the vexing concerns of potters and clay artists the world over is how to pay for the vastly expensive equipment they must have to participate in their chosen profession. This hardship is exasperated for many artisans who must resort to traveling great distances to sell their wares at art fairs and to place their creations in ever-fewer and ever-more-competitive brick and mortar art galleries. To meet this financial conundrum head on I, with the help and advice of close friends, created The Bowl Show.

The joy found participating in a TBS event
Participating at a TBS event

The Bowl Show capitalizes on the mobility of BMobile’s kilns and related equipment. It provides participants a fabulous experience of glazing decorative art and immediately firing it on location while they watch.

Properly managed, a TBS system often pays for itself in three or less years, providing financial stability for the clay artisans beyond any solution available today.

If you are interested in attending, sponsoring, or presenting a TBS event, please look at the information I have on my page
